Recent press articles and interviews
Press articles
Read: "Marielle não teve festa de aniversário"
Column in the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, 30/07/23
Read: "Resumo de junho"
Column in the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, 02/07/23
Read: "Membros do sistema de justiça estrelam cenas bem brasileiras"
Column in the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, 06/18/23
Read: "Resistências aos direitos das mulheres"
Column in the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, 06/04/23
The focus of this interview is political violence. The program is hosted by the political scientist Claudio Couto, a professor at the Getulio Vargas Foundation/Brazil (FGV), and is dedicated to discussing Brazil's political situation.
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"Brasil com S" Program
Partnership between the YouTube channel UM BRASIL and the magazine Exame, the interview took place on the occasion of the launch of the book "Treze: a Política de rua de Lula a Dilma". Among all the topics covered, the journalists highlight the role that morality has assumed in the political field.
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"Junho de 2013: Angela Alonso, da USP, mapeia movimentos e mostra em livro origens das manifestações"
The interview takes place on the occasion of the launch of the book "The Last Abolition: The Brazilian Antislavery Movement, 1868-1888". Univesp TV is maintained by the Padre Anchieta Foundation, linked to the government of the State of São Paulo.
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"Bolsonarismo, Lava Jato, PT": Angela Alonso and Andreza Delgado analyze pre and post-June 2013
The UOL "Special Interview Journeys of June" interviews the sociologist Angela Alonso and the cultural producer Andreza Delgado. The presentation is by the UOL columnist Leonardo Sakamoto.
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"Jornadas de 2013 em cena", with Angela Alonso | Podcast by Conde
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"Desigualdade social e racismo": Paulo Markun interviews Angela Alonso
Sociologist Angela Alonso discusses racism, ethnic-racial prejudice and the problem of denying the institution of racial inequality in Brazil in “Conversas na Crise – After the Future”, a partnership with the Institute of Studies Advanced (IdEA) from University of Campinas (Unicamp) with the UOL portal. Recorded at a time when violence against the Black population was making headlines in Brazilian newspapers, the interview also had among its main topics the issue of colorism, quotas and affirmative actions and the legitimacy of non-Blacks in the debate about racism.
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SP, Brasil | Paulo Markun interviews Angela Alonso
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"Manifestações sociais na história brasileira", by Angela Alonso
Angela Alonso analyzes the first nationwide social movement in Brazilian history – abolitionism – and draws a parallel with the political and social turbulence that the country has experienced since the June Days of 2013. Furthermore, the sociologist discusses the challenges of inequality and political polarization in contemporary Brazil.
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"História: Movimento Abolicionista" - Angela Alonso - FFLCH/USP
Mônica Teixeira talks with Angela Alonso about the book "Flores, votos e balas: o movimento abolicionista brasileiro, 1868-1888".
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"História: A fronteira entre a História e a Sociologia" - Angela Alonso and Iris Kantor
Journalist Mônica Teixeira welcomes the historian Iris Kantor (FFLCH-USP) and sociologist Angela Alonso (FFLCH-USP/CEBRAP) to discuss the border that separates the two areas of knowledge. Kantor and Alonso also talk about transformations in the two disciplines, and how they influence each other.
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